Green hydrogen – a source of energy with zero CO2 emissions

We Design Solutions: Our team of engineers and hydrogen specialists works on designing solutions tailored to the individual needs of our clients. We create comprehensive concepts for hydrogen systems, taking into account energy efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

We specialize in delivering advanced hydrogen technologies that enable the use of hydrogen as an eco-friendly energy carrier.


Our solutions include the production of green hydrogen from renewable energy sources, its storage, as well as systems for its transport and distribution.

Hybrydowa farma fotowoltaiczna z technologią wodorową
Napis informujący że firma MEB oferuje rozwiązania wodorowe
Echematics of the hydrogen system

Do you want more information about hydrogen installations?

Our team of experts will help design your system to meet the project’s objectives and maximize its potential.

Industrial hydrogen systems and decentralized hydrogen production and storage

Instalacja wodorowa z góry



