Power multiplied, the perfect duo

Photovoltaics combined with another renewable energy source is the future of sustainable energy.

Our hybrid renewable energy power plants have several important advantages: they combine various renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics or wind turbines and can work with energy storage systems. They provide independence and high energy efficiency.

Napis MEB Group

Energy storage
Wind turbines


Our offer includes energy storage systems, which are available for both individual household users and large enterprises.


Thanks to energy storage, photovoltaic installations can contribute to increasing the energy independence of buildings and reducing costs associated with purchasing electricity from the grid.
Farma fotowoltaiczna z magazynem energii


Additionally, energy storage can serve as a backup in case of power outages, ensuring access to energy in the event of grid supply interruptions, which is especially important in areas with unstable energy infrastructure.

Need support?

Our team of experts will help design your system to meet project goals and maximize its potential.

Concept and design

We specialize in designing and creating comprehensive photovoltaic installations that provide renewable energy for various sectors, including businesses, homes, municipalities, and agriculture.
Budowa farmy fotowoltaicznej

Delivery and construction

We have been operating in the market for years, providing our clients with modern photovoltaic solutions that not only help reduce energy costs but also contribute to environmental protection.
Instalacja paneli fotowoltaicznych

Connection and service

Our company offers a personalized approach to each project, tailoring photovoltaic installations to specific needs and local conditions, ensuring efficiency and long-term energy savings for our clients.
Gotowy grunt pod budowę farmy fotowoltaicznej