Cooperation process

We begin with an in-depth analysis of project requirements and understanding the context. This allows us to develop a concept focused on efficiency, innovation, and sustainability.

Our role does not end at the design stage.

We provide full support for the project throughout its entire lifecycle to ensure that the vision created on paper becomes a reality.

We are on the client’s side, ensuring that projects are carried out according to the plan and specifications. We track progress, identify potential challenges, and respond quickly to changing conditions.

We are ready to solve any problems that may arise during the implementation, always aiming for optimal results.

Financial advisory scheme

Tworzenie studium wykonalności

Obsługa procesu administracyjno-budowlanego i uzyskiwanie koniecznych zezwoleń

Analizy ekonomiczne dla przedsiębiorstw

Professional support

Feasibility study development

Handling of administrative and construction processes, and obtaining necessary permits

Economic analyses for businesses

Need support?

Our team of experts will help design your system to meet project goals and maximize its potential.

MEB Group offers energy consulting services, helping clients optimize energy consumption, implement sustainable energy sources, and manage energy data.