Our world of endless power

The role of energy storages is invaluable and their implementation is becoming a necessity as the global energy industry changes.

Providing grid stability and stable energy prices are just some of the wide range of their application. As the world transitions into to a more sustainable energy future, innovations in energy storages can help improve climate quality and energy security.

4 megatrends

which transforms energetics


urbanization and industralization led to significant economic growth which caused rise in carbon dioxide emissions.


Preventing temperature growth and as an effect – climate changes


Preventing temperature growth and as an effect – climate changes


Digitization of processes is a major development resulting in huge demand for power as it creates massive volume of data.

Times of permanent crisis require effective solutions.

Energy storage should become our priority for the coming years.

Who is the product intended for?

Ikona przedsiębiorstwa


Ikona Samorządu


Ikona rolnictwa


Ikona hotelu


Ikona ciężkiego przemysłu

Light and heavy industry

Ikona szpitala


Ikona Kościoła

Religious institutions

Ikona prywatnych inwestorów

Private investors

Ikona firmy


Zaproszenie na targi POLAGRA

Energy clusters and cooperatives

Storage with possibilities

Energy storage creates many possibilities for more efficient energy production, as well as better network managment and increased stability and availability of energy. Our systems MEB ESS are the perfect solutions for changing energy industry

They are applied in cooperation with the grid, industry, the public sector, as well as the private sector. They improve operation of the grid by renewable sources of energy and they adapt them to the current trends

Magazynowanie, które daje możliwości

Magazynowanie energii stwarza wiele możliwości dla bardziej wydajnej produkcji energii,
lepszego zarządzania siecią oraz zwiększonej stabilności i dostępności energii.
Nasze systemy MEB ESS są idealnym rozwiązaniem dla zmieniającej się energetyki.

Znajdują zastosowanie we współpracy z siecią, przemysłem, sektorem publicznym jak i prywatnym.
Umożliwiają polepszenie pracy sieci z odnawialnymi źródłami energii i dostosowują ją do aktualnych trendów.


MEB ESS storage units are essential component of microgrid systems.

Microgrid are decentralized systems consisting of RES sources, energy storage and conventional power generation systems to meet a given demand. Through the proper selection of components, a microgrid can be designed to meet a customer’s specific needs.

Our technology

MEB ensures

safety and reliability through well-chosen components and multi-level protective structures. Automated production processes, comprehensive testing and monitoring ensure the safe and consistent operation of our warehouses.

Our batteries

are characterized by long life. We use solutions from world leaders, who by research and upgrade key components, have slowed the loss of battery capacity. That reduces the cost of energy storage.

High energy’s density

High – performance group technology that enables the container system to achieve the highest possible vallues.

Intelligent temperature control

Maximum temperature deviation


iMEB EMS system optimizes power plnt’s productivity by smooth integration its various resources and automating the control of energy generation, storage and demand.

Features of energy storages


iMEB solution for simple off-grid systems which consist of only photovoltaic installation and accumulator system.


Powering a small grid with or without connection to the public grid. Microgrid consists of a battery storage system, in addition to other generator systems and controllable loads.

Optimization of autoconsumption

Consume more energy from RES and to minimalize net intake.

Back-up power supply

The storage system immediately takes over in case of power outage.


Simultaneous use of applications ((SCO & PS, ToU & PS, ToU & SCO).)

Zero Feed-In

VDE FNN-certified to meet network requirements for power outages.

Optimizing PV diesel hybrids

The iMEB solutions adjust the power grid and balance the peaks of power generation and consumption to keep the diesel generator optimally, minimizing oil costs.

Production control

Optimize consumption by actively connecting/disconnecting generators depending on the energy generated during grid operation.

Peak reduction

Peak limitation of consumption and minimize costs connected with demand tariff.

Support services

Remote control of active and reactive power.

Length of use

Dependent on the time of use of the function and energy services.

Interface of direct broker

The direct PV vendor transmits control signals to the PV plant via EMS.

Load control

Optimization of consumption by actively connecting/disconnecting consumers accordnig to the energy generated

See our products